BEARD OIL - All you need to know!

3 mins read

             This is one of the most profitable blogs I ever created. This is not a simple yes or no question. The real question is, what beard care issues are you struggling with and what would you like your beard oil to do? 

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Generally speaking, beard oils help with these issues:

Soften the beard
Reduce beard itch
Reduce beard dandruff
Encourage healthy beard growth
Help keep your beard fresh and clean
Improve the overall health of the beard

Before getting into more details, it is important to note that beard oils are not created in an equal ratio. The type, quality, and concentration of the ingredients matter no matter be it beard oil or any cosmetic products. Before purchasing a bottle of beard oil, take a look at the ingredient list, and in particular, the order in which they’re listed.

Following the latest FDA guidelines, the highest concentration ingredient is listed first, all the way down to the lowest concentration ingredient, listed last. While ingredient labels do not have to disclose specific percentage concentrations, it is safe to assume that the first few ingredients listed comprise the majority of the beard oil. 

Why does beard oil ingredient concentration matter?

Both argan and jojoba oils are highly effective beard oil ingredients. But, just having them in the bottle is not enough. You really need to know how much is in the bottle. Without a high enough concentration of these oils, you will not experience the full benefit. 

Be Aware of cheap beard oil tricks! Pure jojoba and argan oils are expensive ingredients. Using them in the appropriate quantities demands a higher price. Shady companies will include trace amounts of these oils (check the back of the label) charge a cheap price and then aggressively market the ingredients. In reality, the concentrations are so low that you are not receiving any real benefit from beard oil.

Why does the quality of oil matter?

It is not just the concentration that matters, but the quality as well. First, it matters how the oil-producing plants are grown. The lower quality raw material will be cheaper than the higher quality. Next, how the oil is extracted is important. Always extracting oils from plant material using cold pressing is the best practice. But using solvents can reduce the effectiveness of the beard oil ingredients. Solvents can damage/break down the oil’s molecules and can leave impurities behind. 

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Why do the types of oils matter?

There are many potential natural beard oil ingredients making for unlimited combinations. Of these many, few are far organic. 

Jojoba Seed Oil - Jojoba is actually a vegetable wax. It is loaded with Omega-9 fatty acids which help protect and reinforce your skin. It also hydrates and improves the beard’s texture.

Argan Seed Oil - Packed with vitamins and antioxidants, it hydrates both your skin and beard, fights irritation, and encourages healthy beard growth. On top of that, it can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Hemp Seed Oil - Hemp seed oil is a powerhouse ingredient. It strengthens both your skin and beard and has been shown to increase blood circulation to the hair follicles and encourage healthy beard growth. 

Castor Seed Oil - High in ricinoleic acid. This reduces inflammation and fills in the scales on the hair shaft. 

Clary Oil - If you are like most men, you have oily skin. Clary oil is known to help regulate your face’s oil production. If you have oily skin, clary can help you achieve balance. 

While these 5 oils are some of the important beard oil ingredients, it is important that you find a beard oil that contains ingredients that address your specific needs. 

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  1. Knowing these for the first time, great insightful post.

  2. Thanks for shaking me up to garner new info

  3. ஆடிக்குப்பின்னே ஆவணி உன் தாடிக்குப்பின்னே எந்த தாவணி?

  4. Can you suggest some beard oil brands that will meet all your criteria and combinations which was mentioned in the blog ??


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